Ethiopia: [ሰበር መረጃ] አቶ በረከት ስምዖን ከእስር ተለቀቀ | Bereket Simon released | Addis Daily News

Ethiopia: [ሰበር መረጃ] አቶ በረከት ስምዖን ከእስር ተለቀቀ | Bereket Simon released | Addis Daily News

Ethiopia: [ሰበር መረጃ] አቶ በረከት ስምዖን ከእስር ተለቀቀ | Bereket Simon released | Addis Daily News

News: #EPRDF veteran Bereket Simon released five months after due date; family expects his arrival in #AddisAbeba today
Bereket Simon, one of the founding members of the former Amhara National Democratic Movement (ANDM) and a senior official of the EPRDF-led government, is released on parole today from a prison in Bahir Dar, the capital of Amhara regional state, after completing his probation period, his defense lawyer Hiwot Lilay told #AddisStandard.
A close family member who also confirmed the release of Bereket, told Addis Standard that his family members are expecting him to arrive in Addis Abeba today.
Ordeal before detention (Background)
But accusations against Bereket of being a “TPLF loyalist” already started to surface in June 2018. And in July, a violent standoff at a hotel in Debre Markos city in East Gojam zone of Amhara region, was broken after federal forces were dispatched to disperse a mob that surrounded the hotel. The standoff ensued after rumors circulated alleging that Berket and Migbaru Kebede, the late Attorney General of the Amhara region who had been assassinated a year later in June 2019, were secretly holding discussions with the town’s people. A vehicle thought to have belonged to Bereket was torched, and the hotel had sustained damages before security forces dispersed the mob.

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[ሰበር መረጃ] በረከት ስምኦን ከእስር ቤት | ባለቤቱ እውነቱን ተናገረች | Bereket Simon | Ethiopia News Today

[ሰበር መረጃ] በረከት ስምኦን ከእስር ቤት | ባለቤቱ እውነቱን ተናገረች | Bereket Simon | Ethiopia News Today

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