የአማሮች ጭፍጨፋ እና የመንግሥት ምላሽ | Amhara Massacre in Oromia, Welega

የአማሮች ጭፍጨፋ እና የመንግሥት ምላሽ | Amhara Massacre in Oromia, Welega

የአማሮች ጭፍጨፋ እና የመንግሥት ምላሽ | Ethiopia|Oromia|West welega

#Ethiopia: Killing of civilians in west #Wollega, #Guliso wereda & testimonies from surviving eyewitnesses & government reactions from #Oromia, #Amhara & #Tigray regions.
As accusations from Oromia & Amhara regions against TPLF intensify Tigray President tells Tigray people to get ready
According to the account from at least four witnesses who spoke to the channel, the killings took place yesterday shortly after the evacuation of members of the federal armed forces from the area.
The surviving witnesses said they have begged the federal armed forces not to leave the area, where the federal government is engaged in an ongoing civil war with members of Oromo Liberation Army (OLA), a breakaway armed faction from the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF), but their pleas were not heard.
Most parts of Wollega in western Oromia and Guji in southern Oromia are under the federal command post since two years. Via Addis Standard

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