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[ልብ የሚሰብር ዜና] ለ 10 ቀናት የጠፋችው ሴት አሳዛኝ መጨረሻ | Missing mother Eleni Kassa found dead

[ልብ የሚሰብር ዜና] ለ 10 ቀናት የጠፋችው ሴት አሳዛኝ መጨረሻ | Missing mother Eleni Kassa found dead

[ልብ የሚሰብር ዜና] ለ 10 ቀናት የጠፋችው ሴት አሳዛኝ መጨረሻ | Missing mother Eleni Kassa found dead

A missing woman from Tennessee was found dead in the car’s trunk after it crashed near the boundary of Detroit and Dearborn

The bodies found in the back of the car have been linked to a Tennessee mother who was reported missing ten days ago, and one of the ladies who took part in the gunfight with police on Sunday near the Detroit-Dearborn border has been recognized by authorities.

According to the Murfreesboro Police Department, Missing Tennessee woman’s body was found following a police chase, crash, and shootout with officers.

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Ethiopia: Addis Media Daily News March 2022 | ዶ/ር አብይ ለድርድር እጅ ሰጡ | የአሰቃቂው ቪዲዮ ሚስጢር | የጽጌሬዳ ገዳይ መጨረሻ

Ethiopia: Addis Media Daily News March 2022 | Abiy Ahmed | Benishangul | Tigray | Amhara | Tsigereda girmay
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Ethiopia News: የ#ወልቃይት መጨረሻ | የዶ/ር አብይ ውሳኔ እየተጠበቀ ነው | ፑቲን ጦርነቱን በይፋ ጀመረ | Amhara | Tigray | Wolkayt

Ethiopia News: የ#ወልቃይት መጨረሻ | የዶ/ር አብይ ውሳኔ እየተጠበቀ ነው | ፑቲን ጦርነቱን በይፋ ጀመረ | Amhara | Tigray | Wolkayt

Ethiopia News: የ#ወልቃይት መጨረሻ | የዶ/ር አብይ ውሳኔ እየተጠበቀ ነው | ፑቲን ጦርነቱን በይፋ ጀመረ | Amhara | Tigray | Wolkayt
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Addis Media: ህወሓት በውጫሌ ንጹሃንን ገደለ | የመቀሌ ዩኒቨርስቲ ተማሪዎች መጨረሻ ታወቀ | Ethiopia | Habesha | News | Wuchale

Addis Media: ህወሓት በውጫሌ ንጹሃንን ገደለ | የመቀሌ ዩኒቨርስቲ ተማሪዎች መጨረሻ ታወቀ | Ethiopia | Habesha | News | Wuchale

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