Dima Specialized Eye Clinic is looking for qualified applicants for the following open position.
- Salary ፡በስምምነት
Job Title
Clinical Nurse
Job Requirement
Education:ዲፕሎማ /ዲግሪ
Experience:0 ዓመት
How to apply
አመልካቾች የትምህርት ማስረጃቸውን በመያዝ ቀበና ጤና ጣቢያ አጠገብ በሚገኘው ዲማ ልዩ የዓይን ክሊኒክ በአካል ቀርበው ማመልከት ይንርባቸዋል፡፡
ዲማ ልዩ የዐይን ክሊኒክ
Deadline: May 21-2021
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